Polenta with mushrooms and sage, leaf parsley pesto.
Its so creamy and comforting!
Love the moment when the polenta just comes out of the oven when it is warm and smooth. Then you only have to finish the polenta with vegetables and pesto and its ready to eat.
There are different textures of cornflour. The 3 textures are: fine, medium, and coarse.
The finer the grain used to make the polenta, the creamier the final product will be. I made a mix of fine and medium.
200 gram polenta cornflour
400ml milk
400ml water ( with vegetable or chicken stock)
50 gr butter
1 tbsp olive oil
60 gr Parmesan cheese
250 gram mix of chestnut mushrooms and shiitake.
150 gram cherry tomatoes
1 red onion
1/3 red pepper
30 gram sage
30 gram leaf parsley
1 Garlic glove
Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
Bring the 400 ml milk together with the 400 ml vegetable stock to boil in a large cooking pan.
Meanwhile peel the onion, chop hem into small cubes (brunoise) ,mince the garlic, chop the red peper sage and parsley fine.
And mix the ingredients in a small bowl with some olive oil, salt and peper and set aside.
Place the cherry tomato and mushrooms with the on a baking tray.
Sprinkle some oil and salt on the vegetables and roast them in the oven for 10/15 minutes.
When the liquid is boiling you can lower heat to a low simmer.
And add the polenta and whisk constantly to prevent that it get burned.
Cook for about 20 minutes, add some extra polenta if its not thick enough, keep stirring with a wooden spoon.
Now its time to add some butter and 30 gram of parmesan cheese, spare the rest of parmesan cheese for later.
Remove the pan of the heat and pour the polenta gently in a oven dish.
Put the roasted cherry tomato, mushrooms and mixture of onion, garlic and herbs on top of the polenta.
Sprinkle some parmesan cheese on it and bake it for 8/10 minutes in the oven.
Now you are ready to serve this amazing dish.